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Comparative test of a shaving foam and Shaving and After Shave Fluid


This is a comparative test between a moisturizing shaving foam “normal skin ” brand X, representative of the best-selling segment in mass distribution and the Shaving and After Shave Fluid (Patent N°97480047.6).

For these two products, we compare:

  • feelings of comfort
  • irritation effects
  • number of cuts occurring during shaving

The sample is made up of people who, having received samples of Shaving Fluid and After Shave at a trade show, have responded positively, as well as people around them, to the proposal of participate in this test.

Raw results obtained (out of 50 testers)

The following sections (Comfort, Razor burn, number of cuts) contain three graphs:

  • The first graph reports for Moss all the results A, B, C, expressed as a percentage, obtained each day, for seven days.
  • The second graph reports for the Fluid all the results A, B, C, expressed as a percentage, obtained each day , for seven days.
  • The third graph reports all the responses A, B, C (expressed as a percentage) obtained for the period of seven days, respectively for Shaving Foam and Shaving and After Shave Fluid.

At the end of each section, a summary table gives the sum of the answers A, B, C obtained each day for seven days, for Foam and Fluid respectively.

Results of statistical analysis: comments

The results of the statistical analysis verify the raw results previously found. We can therefore comment on and draw conclusions from these raw results without running the risk of being wrong. We are at a significance level of 99% for most of the characteristics, except for razor burn in hard beards where we have a significance level of 97% (small decrease due to the lower size of sample).

Statistical analysis confirms the raw results

The assumption that the Moss used in reference happens to be in “normality” is verified. Indeed, on the new blade shaving foam graphs, the responses A (very good) and B (normal) together represent more than 95% of the responses concerning the comfort and razor burn graphs and more than 80% of the responses concerning the graph cuts, which reflects a “normality” noticeably high-end.

This allows us to say that this foam is representative of the product most commonly used by the majority of testers.

The graph profile confirms the quality of the measurements. The dispersion of responses is low and logical over time. Which suggests that the testers took their observations seriously and that the “fanciful” answers are they rather rare.

This observation is found in turn for comfort, razor burn, and for the number of cuts.

Answers to other test questions

  • 98% of people who have tested the Shaving and After Shave Fluid want to continue using it
  • 94% of respondents want to advise their relatives and friends


Statistical tests confirm the raw results. We are now able to say with a small risk of error, that compared to a type of Shaving Foam of current use, among the best-selling, the Fluid of Shaving and After Shaving, product presented in a very small volume, which requires only a few drops (3 to 5 drops) per shave (Patent N°97480047.6),  allows:

  • to shave in conditions of comfort that are truly superior to those provided by the Foam
  • to ensure a real reduction in razor burn at the end of the shave, that is to say less irritation than when the treatment is carried out with the Shaving Foam
  • to cause fewer cuts than a shave carried out with the Shaving Foam


Study of razor blades:

  • This test was an opportunity to bring together all the blades that had been used for seven days with the Shaving Foam and all the blades that had been used for seven days with the Shaving Fluid and ‘After Shave
  • The study of the results obtained previously confirms the hypothesis that the Fluid compared to the foam gives far superior results in terms of comfort, irritation and cuts. These results are probably partly due to better lubrication during shaving. If this is indeed the case, the profiles of the blades should show less wear after use with the Fluid than with the Foam
  • The present photos, magnification 3*1000 under the scanning electron microscope go into the meaning of this hypothesis:

New blade

Blade used with shaving foam after 7 days of use

Blade used with fluid after 7 days of use